
All PirateCraft changelogs are exported automatically from our Discord server and readable below!

This allows people without discord to keep up to date with changes!

Click through the pages to see older changelogs.

Page 13

survival Survival

upd Fixed Apple Cider Sangria book titles being Pumpkin Pie Martini from /warp event hint hunt. 🔸 Thanks for the report AwesomeCow! change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

upd Updated /events was very dated (It had 2022 dates on it) upd Updated The server list MOTD a few days ago, forgot to write a changelog upd Fixed #📗│event_logs Event logs emoji for boss spawns, this should be staff only & added a log of when people find all the brew hints for a collection. change @Changelog Alerts

proxy Proxy

upd Updated Proxy server software to support 1.21.3 clients

survival Survival & Creative creative

upd Updated Protocol hack plugin to allow 1.21.3 clients on the 1.18.2 server upd Updated Premium essentials plugin and dependency 🔸 Lots of background fixes and admin options added, nothing player facing really. change @Changelog Alerts

👻 Autumn 2024 Event /warp event

The weekend is here and it is time for some event tweaks! 💎 Lost pirates have a useful skill 💎 Ringmaster will now utilize skills against multiple players at once and has a low but non zero risk for deadly combos diamond_sword Pumpkin mob now has a chance to drop Pumpkin Carver which can only otherwise be obtained by infused nether star trade! diamond_sword Boss 5 star drop rates increased by more than 50% for the weekend!

survival Survival

add Added Autumn 2024 Crate add Added New store item for keys add Added #🎉│giveaway-events for new keys upd Updated key drops to be Autumn 2024 upd Updated staff /kit keys to new keys upd Updated Moved Summer crate to right at the very back of the bar at /warp cove its on the dock upd Updated Backdated Premium Essentials update as its spamming console, causing reboots as the wrapper is panicking. 🔸 I'll auto reboot itself in X time, and the backdate will take effect to stop it rebooting again, so expect one more reboot randomly tonight, don't panic its a "safe" reboot, not a crash. change @Changelog Alerts

👻 Autumn 2024 Event /warp event

Weekend drop boosts removed

survival Survival

upd Updated scavenger /hunt plugin (the plugin that does the brew hint finding at /warp event) - For tomorrows reboot. 🔸Fixes blocks mounted on the side of blocks for our server version for /hunt progress 🎉 Massive thanks to GrafterCrafter who you may see on the server from time to time! ❤️ change @Changelog Alerts

👻 Autumn 2024 Event /warp event

Luck is now off

survival Survival

add Added End Crystals will now zap Phantoms nearby up to 50 blocks away for 1hp damage per zap. change @Changelog Alerts

👻 Autumn 2024 Event /warp event

Heads up everyone, event will be closed for about 36 hours starting Thursday with plans to reopen in time for the weekend. This will allow for some changes to be made

👻 Autumn 2024 Event /warp event

Event temp closed to transition to stage II of the event. See y'all back soon. Steel toed boots switched out at Loot trader NPC for corrrect item. Thanks to @TCardell for pointing out the issue.

👻 Autumn 2024 Event /warp event

Welcome to the next phase of the Twilight Realm. Please read the changes carefully. Event will reopen between 8pm and 12am server time later today.

Stage II Mob Changes

💎 Horses can drop leather 💎 Circus skeletons despawn 💎 Adjustments to Carnie, Clown, Lost Pirate 💎 Ghost no longer spawn skeletons but will intermittently spawn mythic creatures and wither skeletons 💎 All bosses have either gained a new skill or had changed sequences 💎 Ghost, Pirate and Ringmaster updated with skills that only impact when multiplayer fights 💎 Ringmaster spawn will change to 2 hour intervals this weekend @Changelog Alerts

👻 Autumn 2024 Event /warp event

Stage II Drop Changes

diamond_sword Ringmaster no longer has guaranteed 5 star drop but will have lots of drops and guaranteed 4 star drop diamond_sword Generic loot pool for bosses and mini-bosses swapped out diamond_sword New 5 star items have been added as drops... Scorpion Stinger (inf/mend gbow) can drop from regular mobs and Golden Delicious (enchanted golden apple) can drop from bosses and mini-bosses @Changelog Alerts

👻 Autumn 2024 Event /warp event

Weekend Boost

diamond_sword Luck enabled for all mobs but biggest impact will be on basic mobs to not compound the 5 star drop increase for bosses! diamond_sword Pumpkin mob still has a chance to drop Pumpkin Carver! diamond_sword Boss 5 star drop rates increased by more than 50% for the weekend! @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

add Added sale for autumn with coupon code twilighttides for 15% off everything from /donate

discord Discord

add Gave out prizes for add Created new giveaway change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

upd Updated Brewery plugin to fix lore colors on brews upd Updated Protocol hack plugin to allow newer clients to connect to the older server software, lots of small bug fixes. upd Updated Premium Suite of essentails plugin and dependacy 🔸 Fixed issue that required me to backdate it previously 🔸 Adds /back button to /homes so you can see your last location, no idea why its a bone, this should mean I can completely remove dback as the only reason I had it was becuase that one had an icon in /homes and back didnt. 🔸 Adds The ability to block /back and /dback from specific worlds, aka Event worlds. 🔸 Its added an Expiration to back/dback commands, so they only last X time, but ive not enabled this. 🔸Updated all local text, it was quite dated, it should fix/update lots of info about commands/tooltips etc. 🔸Updated Main config to match a fresh one so we can use any new features. 🔸 new Adds /giftpet to change pets owner and /releasepet which allows you to untame animals add new Added /options to everyone to toggle a few options for the premium essentails plugin, including being able to toggle being able to accept a pet. add @Moderator Gained permissions to /giftpet and /releasepet for anyones pets, not just their own. add @Moderator Gained permissions to use /options on other players to change their options rem Removed the old /givepet from GriefPrevention, and ive created an alias from that old command to/giftpet the new command, which will auto tab next reboot. parrot You can now toggle if you want pets gifted using /options change @Changelog Alerts

👻 Autumn 2024 Event /warp event

Weekend drop boosts removed @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

upd Fixed the /spawn tutorial ship area regenerating every 1h. change @Changelog Alerts

creative Creative

upd Updated premium suite of essentials plugin and it's dependency, see changelogs for survival earlier. 🔸 fixes an odd bug of not being able to save kits @Helper I wasn't even aware it was broken in the previous version until I tried to make a kit today, so that's fixed. change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

add new Created /kit GunpowderPlot24 Remember, remember, the fifth of November, Gunpowder Treason and Plot!! 🔸 48 hours only! Go collect your treason package add new Created /hunt at /warp cove to get yourself 5 free Autumn 2024 keys 🔸 Hint: you can use /hunt collection to select the hunt you wish to track, and then /hunt progress to track your progress, and if you get stuck you can use /hunt hint to cheat a little. change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

upd Backdated Brewing plugin as all later versions have multiple issues. (Next reboot) rem Removed Replacement ship in a bottle plugin, as dev hasn't fixed the initial issue I found with it months ago, such a shame its amazing. change @Changelog Alerts

💻 Dedicated machine

upd Updated to Java 21 for all servers, seems like there's been no issues with this mornings boot, a lot of plugins are only supporting Java 21+ now, so thought I would get ahead, we was on Java 17 previously. change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

add Added /p Proximity chat to whitelist for when PvP tagged via @Atalantaa parrot TIP: You can use /channel to toggle which channels you talk into without needing to use the prefix, you can also leave any channel, including global chat if you want a peaceful day. It does auto re-add you when you relog incase someone forgets to re-toggle it and not understand how to get global back. So if you wanted all your chat to go into proximity instead of using /p every time, you can just click it in /channel and bam, all messages sent to proximity. change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

upd Updated the unknown-command message you get when you use a command that dousnt exist, it no longer says to use /info as this was moved to a staff command a while ago, it now just says to use /help which will be all universal menu. 🔸 For my own reference, also updated regex upd Backdated Brewing plugin one more version back to when we think it was last most stable, were in contact with developers with all the odd bugs. @TobySF upd Fixed Some spam from MythicMobs in console @Drbipper change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

rem Removed Message "There is no one in range you can chat to." from /p as people using it as a cheat way to /near without having near perms, thanks for the reminder from the previous recent change to add /p to PvP tagged! I was suppose to change this AGES ago and forgot! 🧙‍♂️ Old man brain. change @Changelog Alerts

🛒 Store

I have neglected the store for over 3 years, its very dated. Im going to start chipping away at changes here and there to try and get it back up, its been down on the website for a few years now... Small side project, bit by bit. upd Renamed Tebex Store URL from donate to "store" we are now 🔸 Moved and created a redirect for 🔸 Ive been putting this off as it will take a very long time to update all the in-game docs/text, it will be a process, so far none have been changed in-game. rem Removed Buying in-game money from Store, no category or items exist now, it might take a while for tebex cache to empty. 🔸 The small bits of money on ranks will most likley stay, dont worry about that, I wanted to remove the ability to just buy in-game money directly. upd Buffed All Claim blocks categroy in store, More blocks, less money, its not balanced at all, but its better. 🔸 Removed all in-game money from the claim block items to match the removal above. change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

upd Updated Missives/Chat plugin text, did a CTRL+F and replace for all "donate" to change to store. add Added Autumn Keys missive back, now thats live, forgot to do this. change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

add Added a new vote website 🔸 Im in direct contact with the developer if you have issues and want things changed, ive already requested a better captcha. 🔸 Added to website sidebar & 🔸 Added to /vote change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

add Added new rank called Patron this is for ex-contibutors, and its only permission is the prefix for the username color 🔸 The goal here, is to have the ex contriubtor prefix color show instantly and not have to wait for tebex to expire, as its out of sync from the server, but also later on I want you to be able to just remove the prefix if you dont like it, or toggle it at will, but I cant do that with just a prefix set! upd Updated every single users permission that had a prefix permission and replaced it with group.patron to give every single person that had this prefix a rank instead of the prefix. 🔸 You should see no change otehr than when you /checkrank upd Updated Store to add this rank for Lieutenant and Captain change @Changelog Alerts

👻 Autumn 2024 Event /warp event

Weekend Boost

diamond_sword Luck enabled for all mobs but biggest impact will be on basic mobs to not compound the 5 star drop increase for bosses! diamond_sword Boss 5 star drop rates doubled for the weekend! diamond_sword Baton rate quadrupled to hopefully get some more ppl batons! @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

📈 Survival back up, stressful morning. The issue ended up being, the host took down the network attached backup box. For some reason this would cause Java thread to crash when booting any minecraft server. Must be the method used to mount that box is embedded in java or something, which was why it was impossible to diagnose. We are back up now, but im documenting this for next time, so someone can tell me so I dont waste my entire morning! add Added You can now craft your Bloodmoon shards to Bloodmoon keys! upd Temp Disable The [item] plugin was temp disabled until next reboot, this is leftover from messing around trying to resolve the server booting, forgot to re-enable it. upd Update Updated Premium suite of essentails and dependancy 🔸 Fixed some bed issues 🔸 Fixed issue with custom recipes (Like the one just added) change @Changelog Alerts

👻 Autumn 2024 Event /warp event

Weekend drop boosts removed @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

upd Updated Store plugin. Apparently the version Ive been using for years is legacy and to not be used, whoops. It was still branded Buycraft and not Tebex. 🔸 Takes effect next reboot, I don't think there's any additional features, if anything I think we lose features as it doesn't have the feature to add contributor heads, maybe its faster, lets see! 🔸 changed the command to /store if I remember tomorrow I'll make an alias from /donate change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

upd Fixed /store and fixed all the alias /donate /buy & /purchase 🔸 Only noticed it was all broken! change @Changelog Alerts

👻 Autumn 2024 Event /warp event

Weekend Boost

diamond_sword Luck enabled for all mobs but biggest impact will be on basic mobs to not compound the 5 star drop increase for bosses! diamond_sword Pumpkin mob still has a chance to drop Pumpkin Carver! diamond_sword Boss 5 star drop rates doubled or tripled! @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

upd Updated Brewing plugin for next reboot @TobySF 🔸The last few updates have all had issues with brews, heres hoping they are all fixed in this latest update, if not I will backdate again. 🔸Fixed Brew lores being duplicated or not having color when aging, distilling, or sealing (again ). 🔸They released an addon to make new brews via a GUI, which seems very interesting! We will have to have a play! change @Changelog Alerts

🛒 Store

Turns out it wasn't 3 years Ive neglected the store, its 4 years 🤣 Slowly going to be doing updates over time for it, bit by bit. Not sure if subscriptions would be better than annual, have made these now, so lets give them a try for any dedicated players that know they will be hanging about 1yr+. add Added Annual Captain Rank - Buy Captain rank for a year at a discount, pay for 10 months get 12, 2 free months! 🔸All gifts & eggs have been buffed in amounts and are all given at once. 🔸20 eggs instead of 15 🔸10k In-game money instead of the 8k 🔸10x boosts instead of 5 🛒 $100/yr Add to cart add Added Annual Lieutenant Rank - Buy Lieutenant rank for a year at a discount, pay for 10 months get 12, 2 free months! 🔸All gifts & eggs have been buffed in amounts and are all given at once. 🔸20 eggs instead of 15 🔸2k In-game money instead of the 1,500 🔸10x boosts instead of 5 🛒 $50/yr Add to cart change @Changelog Alerts

👻 Autumn 2024 Event /warp event

Thanks everyone for a great stage II of the event. The event is now temporarily closed to allow for some further work to prepare for stage III of the event. It will be about 2 weeks before we open again so enjoy the rest of PMC in the meantime. An announcement will be made prior to reopening. ~Doc @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

🌟 new New Contributor Perk! 🌟

When you purchase a @Contributor rank, there's a special NPC waiting for you at /warp cove—just to the right as you spawn! This NPC will adopt your skin and nametag, but there’s a twist: it’s part of a fun little game! The latest Contributor becomes the owner of this NPC, meaning you can mount it and ride it wherever you like! 🚀 I want to see the weirdest, furthest, and funniest places this NPC can travel to! Post your screenshots in #📷│media and don’t forget to tag me. Let’s see how creative you can get! But hurry—there’s a catch! ⏳ Your NPC is on a random timer. As soon as someone else buys a Contributor rank, your NPC will reset back to Cove with its new owner. So, act fast and make it count! Our first contender is @Lobbypoop —good luck on your maiden voyage! 🏴☠

survival Survival

add new Added /luck GUI to open all the chat based luck generators, Dice roll, coin flip and the new Magic 8 ball. add new Added /8ball Found in the /luck menu, this acts as a magic 8 ball, a fortune teller, ask a question in /p first and then run /8ball to get your fortune told, proximity based up to 20 blocks people can see the repsonce. add new Added /guide luck to also list all these chat generators, clickable, can also access from /luck by pressing the ℹ️ button. upd Refactored /roll & /flip to not show a random result per player in radius making them completly useless, if you used these to place a bet in the last 3 years, each person in the 20 block radius got shown a differnt random result! 😂 ROFLMAOok 🔸 These now all show the same result to everyone in the 20 block radius. smirk_two_hand These are intended to use as you desire, for making a decision in trades, games that require a dice/coin flip, roleplay or just solving a misunderstanding between people, flip a coin on it, best used with proximity chat /p as thats where their results are shown. parrot These are all Carpenter+ to reduce spam. change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

add new Added /kit contributor @Contributor this is to replace the NPC "Peggy" at /warp vip that would have odd cosmetic block or two to claim. 🔸 Anyone can now use /kitpreview contributor to see items, not hidden at a warp. 🔸 @Helper All staff can edit the kit on Creative so we can easily have it updated whenever. 🔸 30 Day cooldown 🔸 If someone wants to prepare 12 kits, we could prep it to change every month somehow. upd Fixed odd permission issues earlier, all I can think of is the file got corrupt somehow and it wasn't loading all permissions. change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

add Added 4 new Vote milestones, 12500, 15000, 17500 & 20000 Each dropping their same amount in-game cash! 🔸 Unlock these 4 milestones alone and earn $65,000 in-game. upd Updated the Monthly Vote Party from 4050 votes to 5000 votes, Changed the Item to have the date written on it (hopefully) I cant test it until it spawns next time and changed the placeholder shown in the discord that just said {date} to hopefully be a working placeholder. 🔸 Im open to alternative prizes if you make something and put it in #🧰│workshop

🗺️ Website

upd Updated Vote milestone table on website change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

add Added a region around the crates area at /warp cove that prevents item drops, this is due to an excessive amount of reports about people using it to spam other peoples inventroy when they are using a crate. 🔸 It blocks dropping and not pickup, incase something is accidently dropped you need to get back. 🔸 Custom message shows when you try and drop in this area 🔸 You can use the barrels on the ship to remove items from your inv, if you want them to be permanently removed I could add a "Trash" sign that opens a bin gui to delete items if needed. change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

rem Removed Temp removed TNT clusterbomb projectiles from cannons due to @Texacq and @OdysseusW crashing the server yesterday with their infinity redstone clock spam firing to mass clear areas in the nether. This somehow caused infinite NullPointerExceptions for an abandoned plugin, so no chance for a fix! I do love clusterbombs, I'm going to try and save them if I can but if its an issue you can thank Tex and Ody for the removal! upd Changed TNT/Clusterbomb projectile 🔸 Changed permission and given @Helper and above access only for now to test a few changes; 🔸 Massive nerf on automatic Firing Delay, the time between automatic firing shots, most likely too high now 🔸 Enabled particle smoke trail for better visibility 🔸 Disabled clusterExplosion as we have multiple cluster explosions turned on.. 🔸 ClusterBombs have primed TNT that can spawn 1-3 enabled on impact. This is a vanilla entity to act as a clusterbomb and not a cannons "clusterbomb" explosion which was also enabled to spawn additional explosions in addition to the primed TNT 👀 That may have been a bit too much going on, especially if you have multiple cannons on a redstone clock with no cooldown firing as fast as possible. ❓Suggestion: to farm netherite instead of clusterbombing the nether, what if I made a "drill" craft that you can build a submarine type craft that can drill through the nether auto collecting netherite? that sounds way more fun, in addition to a custom enchanted vein miner item? A Combo of the both I think may be a better way to do it? add Added A new rank below deckhand.. This is called "dynamic" and is for dynamic permissions that expire or can dynamically be changed by staff for everyone, so all these dynamic permissions can be in one place. change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

upd Changed PRIMED_TNT to actually be limited per chunk by the entity manager, turns out, it was set to unlimited primed TNT per chunk, so... coupled with the information about about clusterbombs, not the best combo 🤣 Set at 20 for now as I have no idea what a safe/balanced number would be, bettter than infinite. upd Changed Cannon projectiles automatic Firing Delay which is how often a projectile can be fired automaticlly via redstone, for some reason there was a few projectiles set at less than a half a second to allow machine gun cannons, again, not ideal. I most likley have set it way too high at 10s delay, where as some were 3s before, so I will most likley drop this once we have done some testing, shouldnt effect manual use of cannons. change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

upd Change I moved Permissions to Git, just tested a change with /beezooka on everyone temp and all seems to be working. 🔸 Should let me better work on them with local test server with history of changes if anything goes wonky. upd Change Changed all the staff commands to open/shut events to use the new dynamic group instead of default change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

upd Cleanup I just did a massive cleanup of the Vote plugins database users, removing all players that have never voted. 🔸 In preperation for a voting plugin update that now does some caching on boot, wanted to slim down the database to not cache all these inactive people that don't vote. 🔸 Backup was made for checking anything we need to. upd Updated Vote plugin for next reboot 🔸 Adds new caching for players to make the GUI faster 🔸 Adds a custom placeholder that I requested/needed for another update incoming change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

add Added new Vote Milestones custom GUI, there has never been a way to track your vote milestones, or even see that they exist, So I've made one! 🔸 Use /votemilestones at any point or visit /warp cove and click the NPC next to the vote chest. 🔸Milestones show as Green = completed, Yellow = Current active, blue = future to unlock. 🔸Progress bars on all, so worth looking, as it shows you the milestone prizes. parrot These vote milestones have always been active, there just hasn't been a way to see them in-game or see which one you are doing or which ones you have done! I recently added 12500-20,000 as @jpcello is already up to this level! It was made for him! add Added From December 1st to 25th, visit the Elf at /warp cove to claim your FREE daily advent calendar item! These exclusive, limited-edition collectibles are perfect for spreading holiday cheer. see change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

🩸 Bloodmoon is ending!

rem Bloodmoon plugin has been disabled for tomorrows reboot, the Bloodmoon Crate at /warp cove will stick about for a little longer to use up keys! 30/11/2024 10:30 Until bloodmoon ends. change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

upd Updated Vote plugin, should hopefully fix the month detection 🔸 Apparently im able to manually run the top month prize again, so I will wait until this mornings reboot with this version and attempt it to see what happens. blows server up 🔸 Added some purge commands & reset commands upd Updated Updated premium essentails and dependancy 🔸 Fix homes are being displayed at wrong set slot which was by one off and could have been placed on another "page" without you being able to actually navigate to it 🔸 Adds organising custom text into folders via my request! 🔸 Improved performance of colorpicker command 🔸 Fix for an error when resetting dback location 🔸 Fix relating to silent chest handling 🔸 Fix for teleportations sometimes pointing player to incorrect direction 🔸 Fix for randomized direction in warps only randomizing between 0 and 180 degrees and not all 360 upd Updated Treasure /hunt plugin (Head hunt finding plugin) 🔸 Added placeholders, bug fixes. add Added New Auction plugin ready to be setup, Going to do setup and testing live, just to get it done, wont be ready yet. 🔸Paid plugin, ive had it a few months, pre-tested and given the developer 15 suggestions/changes that need to happen, so not entirely sure we will stick with this paid pluigin if they are not fixed, but it may be me being picky, so lets just test it since ive bought it anyway. 🔸Update: Its failing to connect to the database for unknown driver reasons, having to postpone until developer sorts it out. change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

rem Removed Already had to remove the Auction plugin 😂 Won't connect to the DB, no issues locally, so passed onto dev to figure out. upd Re-added Advent second day permission, seems reboot wiped it. 🔸 Changed the time the scheduled permission is set to after mornings reboot, 15 mins after reboot at 10:45am instead of 00:00, this does not sync perfectly with each day, but it should prevent the permissions randomly vanishing, hopefully. Across reboots. 🔸Added broadcast that the new advent is avalbile when it sets the permission upd Vote Top & Prizes Seems I cant catch a break today, for whatever reason the vote tops not reset this month and not pushed the prizes out, so the dev told me to run a command manually which ive done but only Lazy got prizes! In talks with the dev on what to do next, so it also seems to have got the vote top stuck entirely on last month! Just gotta wait on him to tell me what hes done in the last few updates to cause this, then I will re-run the command manually again once hes come up with a fix. change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

upd Fixed Basic commands like /msg /pay being taken over by premium essentails plugin, the update yesterday the developer made all the alias for commands enable, so where we have a balance between differnt commands for plugins with the same command, he just enabled every single command for his plugin, therefor breaking all the basic commands from other plugins. upd Backdated Voting plugin, there are too many issues with monthly top votes, the developer has more than enough information to work with now, just waiting on him to fix whatever hes done. 🔸 Really annoying but this will break my vote milestone NPC showing the progress bar for "active" milestone, as this is why I wanted to get the vote plugin updated, just for a single placeholder... urgh. Hopefully a backdate solves all vote top. change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

upd Some commands are again broken due to an issue with essentials plugin. The developer is actively working on a fix but in the meantime here are some other commands you can use instead that will serve the same function... /message or /tell instead of /msg, /reply:r instead of /r, /epay instead of /pay, and /ender instead of /echest. I think these are the biggest ones but if you run it to some ingame let us know because we might have a work around change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

upd Backdated Premium essentails plugin for this mornings reboot to get us back working commands, due to the ongoing alias problem. Dev knows, just waiting for an update to the plugin. change @Changelog Alerts

🫣 Proxy

🤯 Proxy hosts down again, litearlly can not catch a break atm godsded 🔫 Back up

proxy Proxy

upd Updated Proxy server 🔸 In perperation for 1.21.4, waiting on ViaVersion to drop today. upd Updated Chat plugins proxy plugin for cross server chat 🔸 Forced to update due to proxy server update breaking older version.

survival Survival & Creative creative

upd Updated Chat plugin 🔸 Quite a few version updates, mostly looks like compatibility & bugfixes, I tend to try not to update the chat plugin often as It always seems to bring issues with it, but I was forced today with the proxy update! Lets hope this version is stable.

survival Survival

upd Updated cleaned up and added new spanwers for custom mobs @Drbipper change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival & Creative creative

upd Updated protocol plugin to allow 1.21.4 clients to connect. change @Changelog Alerts

👻 Autumn 2024 Event /warp event

Stage 3 is ready to rumble. Event will open Saturday morning (USA) Saturday afternoon (EU). Don't have an exact time. Whenever I can log in tomorow. Full changelog will follow. @Changelog Alerts

👻 Autumn 2024 Event /warp event

All you grubby priates, welcome to stage 3 of the Twilight Realm!! Please read the changes carefully. This is not an exhaustive list but includes the big points.

Stage III Mob Changes

💎 Horses may now intermittently attack 💎 All lower tier mobs that can be summoned by a boss will despawn eventually to avoid clutter 💎 Pumpkin mob beefed up a bit 💎 All bosses have either gained a new skill or had changed sequences 💎 New Boss alert!! The assistant manager has arrived. This mob is probably the most difficult mob and only drops 5 stars or nothing. You can find one spawner in the north and one in the east. The cost is 4 infused emis, but has a chance to drop all of the 5 stars that come from mobs and has a higher chance than fighting bosses individually. 🚧 The Karen mob spawners are still under maintenance, do not use at this time @Changelog Alerts

👻 Autumn 2024 Event /warp event

Stage III Drop Changes

diamond_sword Ringmaster loot pool has been expanded diamond_sword Pumpkin mob now has pumpkin carver as a permanent chance of drop diamond_sword Base chance for bosses to drop 5 stars increased diamond_sword More changes to come to boss loot pools prior to closing of event @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival & Creative creative

upd Updated Permissions plugin many versions, ready for next reboot. 🔸 Purely because I need to use some placeholders from a newer version. upd Giveaway Given out the giveaway prizes, sorry its a litte late. Ive also made a new giveaway for Autumn 2024 treasure chest keys 🛍Coupon code TWILIGHTBOOTY for 25% off everything in the store only until tuesday the 10th December! change @Changelog Alerts

👻 Autumn 2024 Event /warp event

Some of you are aware of the problem that occurred with the Pumpkin mob on Saturday. I had an issue in the code which Mythic caused a huge discrepancy in drop rates instead of throwing an error. Several players were individually quite effected by this. Thanks to the ones who pointed it out to me so we could fix it. I am sorry for the inconvenience this has been to everyone. The event should reopen tomorrow I will leave the luck boost on for the rest of the week to make up for the time lost over the last few days For players with individual tickets open, we will still get back to you individually regarding the matter ~Doc @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

rem Removed the setting Adjust Spawn from the world plugin, as this has the ability to effect use of /spawn teleport, not needed as ours already has built in protection. change @Changelog Alerts

👻 Autumn 2024 Event /warp event

Event is reopened! Please enjoy and get some loot! Please see the Stage III changelogs again for major changes 🚧 Karen mobs are now functional. The idea behind them is that you spawn them before you spawn the boss and they should help you attack the boss. However, sometimes inexplicably the mob attacks the player instead of the mob. So use at your own risk. @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

upd Fixed an issue where the dyamic group would be wiped when updating permissions rem Removed /beezooka but you still have 24h access globally, also temp added /kittycannon for the next 24h for extra fun. 🔸 Ive not had a single complaint about this being abused and its been accessible via deckhand for a while, so I guess we could push these to being contributor perks?

map Staff World @Helper

add Added I made a staff world & moved over all the staff floating islands to it. 🔸Not shown on the live map 🔸All previous floating islands were added 🔸@Helper Gained new /warp staff to go to the new staff hub /warp private goes to the floating island. 🔸@Admin Admin island warp changed to /warp admin and vault changed to /warp adminvault 🔸@Helper @Moderator Gained /fly in this staff world, can only be used in this world for QOL when doing staff tasks. 🔸Can sync this world between survival/creative/dev servers change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival & Creative creative

upd Fixed Snapshots working from world backups @Admin I can't express how much time and effort that took to resolve 🤯 change @Changelog Alerts

👻 Autumn 2024 Event /warp event

This is the final weekend of the event! I repeat the final weekend, so don't miss out. The trade NPC will be moved to cove after the event closes for probably about a week so ppl can use up their infused items, but I wouldn't delay if I were you!

Weekend Boost

diamond_sword Luck remains enabled. Boost for regular mobs is higher than it has been for the whole event! diamond_sword Pumpkin mob doubled chance at Pumpkin Carver! diamond_sword Boss 5 star drop rates doubled for all 5 stars! diamond_sword Custom new item for this weekend only courtesy of the one and only @Tulipss! Please thank him for his submission of the name/lore combo. This item has been added to Undead pirate, Ghost, and Scarecrow mobs diamond_sword Boss loot pool now includes anvils and bookshelves! @Changelog Alerts

discord Discord

upd Reduced the #🚩│support_ticket amount players can have open at once to 1 ticket due to abuse from player(s). 🔸 Be warned, abusing the support system you will be blocked from using it. change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

add Added @Helper Shulker backpacks enabled in staff world for next reboot (Christmas day 🎅 ) 🔸 Should just be shift+right click shulker in inv, but ive never used it, we will figure it out 🔸 In preperation for sorting out the years of items we have accumilated, to make life easier moving things around that world. change @Changelog Alerts

🧪 Test server

/server test / parrot Currently not open to the public, this is preparation for public testing that will happen soon, keep an eye on discord ™️ . upd Updated World, Copied the Overworld 1:1 to test server as of the timestamp of this discord message. upd Updated All Database's for Premium essentials like /homes etc, GriefPrevention Claims, Crews & to be duplicate of survival server as of this message timestamp. change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival, Creative & Test servers

add Added /softblocks and /winblocks in preparation for Siege Alpha Testing, these are now clickable in /guide siege which I also updated the other day. 🔸 Alpha Testing will be happening on the Test Server /server test and there is no ETA for release on survival, you will be able to get involved in testing soon. 🔸Not set in stone, so don't start freaking out! But educated internal votes have happened to come to these blocks, You will have an opportunity to relay feedback from live testing once its open public. change @Changelog Alerts

🧪 Test server open for Alpha Siege testing

/server test / ⚔Test server open whitelist removed, open to public for Siege alpha testing. #🏴│siege_info upd Fixed Test server world border to be same size as survival.

discord Discord

add Created #🏴│siege_info MUST READ FIRST. add Created #🏰│siege_dev Report bugs/QOL updates/Requests add Created #📣│siege_chat Live chat about alpha testing siege upd Given access #🎫│siege-log (formatting broke at plugin side atm) change @Changelog Alerts

🧪 Test server open for Alpha Siege testing

/server test / upd Updated Interaction blocks for siege, 🔸 Added all containers to interaction list for Attacker/Defender/Loot stage 🔸 Removed Trapdoors being used by attacker in attack stage, kept them in use for loot stage, defender can use. Also fixed missing trapdoor. 🏗️ Contribute #deleted-channel to see config/all blocks and see if there's anything missing. 🏗️ Contribute #deleted-channel hasn't been done at all yet, and needs to have Interactive entities added.

discord Discord

add Gave access to #🎫│siege-log to see who's actually testing siege! 🔸 Bare with the poor formatting, this is actually a bug that it wont format, Ive been using it mostly for a simple log to see when people have tested siege, there is a bug with <reason> not working too. 🔸 Updated discord messages for the siege-log, to not be so messy and changed the emojis a bit. change @Changelog Alerts

🧪 Test server

/server test / upd Updated WorldGuard regions to protect existing shops rem Removed Shop renting plugin to prevent people renting existing shops, people that chose to do this instead of testing on the test server will be passed onto @Moderator to deal with, zero tolerance. 🔸 This means renting ships wont work. upd Updated All Cannons and projectiles to match survival. upd Updated All Chat plugin configs to match survival. 🔸 Changed an integration setting that may have caused kicks while using ViaVersion 🔸 Enabled Cross-server chat with Test server upd Updated Anti-cheat plugin upd Updated Discord integration plugin (For chat) upd Updated Protocolib plugin that could have effected being kicked in newer clients because of packets add Added Ships plugin and all ships from survival add Added Ships Cannons add-on to work with cannons add Added Kits /kit imobs /kit pmobs /kit amobs /kit foodpot 🔸These will over-spill from your inv, so be ready. 🔸This is for testing all interaction & killing/protection of entities/mobs during siege to help with speed of testing entity use in Siege, nothing else. 🔸Sailor+ only 🔸Via #deleted-channel

sword Alpha Siege Changes

upd Updated Interact entity list please see #deleted-channel 🔸 Ive also updated the config here, anything missing please update that thread. change @Changelog Alerts

🧪 Test server

/server test / upd Updated PvP tagging plugin & matched configs from survival. 🔸 Doubles up as a test for a new feature added today to the plugin "Add loot protection on combat kills". For a certain amount of time only the killer of a player can pick up the drops. After time expires everyone can, this comes with a hologram countdown above the drops. 🔸Ill most likely disable this as I can only see it causing problems, but since this is a test server, why not test it. 🔸Via #deleted-channel hopefully this was the issue, and not related to siege. upd Updated Overworld on test server, used rsync which should only copy changed files from survival to test, so lets see if that resets the areas you have deplenished, if not ill just have to make it restore a backup every X time. add Added Nether2 world from Survival Via #deleted-channel 🔸Added all WG regions & world border add Added The end world from Survival Via #deleted-channel 🔸Added all WG regions & world border add Added Plugin to change portals to Nehter2 world to match survival. Via #deleted-channel 🤯 its more work making this server match survival than anything else atm

sword Alpha Siege Changes

upd Added workbench to interaction blocks and for testing only reduced the additional time you get at looting stage to 3 mins for a total of 5 mins during looting, just to speed up testing time. alert2 Testing Needed for both End/Nether sieges to see if we need additional soft blocks alert2 Testing Needed For all entities that you can now spawn with the egg kits I made yesterday, both interaction and killing/protection change @Changelog Alerts

🧪 Test server

/server test /

sword Alpha Siege Changes

add Added Fence gates to Interaction blocks for defender & win stage #deleted-channel 🔸 @PhilipG_ @Contt You can report changes to the discord instead of just whinging in game chat, that's how testing works guys! isforme change @Changelog Alerts

🧪 Test server

/server test /

sword Alpha Siege Changes

add Added more interaction blocks for all stages of siege via #deleted-channel @Tulipss - ANVIL - CHIPPED_ANVIL - DAMAGED_ANVIL - CAULDRON - ENCHANTING_TABLE - COMPOSTER - BELL - BEACON - BREWING_STAND change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

upd Updated /motd removed info about Autumn 2024 event and coupon code. rem Removed Advent Elf from Cove rem Removed Bloodmoon 2024 Crate from Cove, I left the fire cooking meat as I like the design! add Added Autumn 2024 Trade NPCs to cove, so any leftover bits that need trading can be done, stand on the pressure plate to open the areas door. parrot The Autumn 2024 Crate will be removed very soon! Last chance to get keys! change @Changelog Alerts

🧪 Test server

/server test / add Added a perm bossbar as you login telling you what needs to be tested for siege. 🔸 If it stays this way for a long time, it means nobody has tested or they haven't given any feedback on if everything is good/issues into #🏰│siege_dev 🔸This is now on you guys/gals to test! #🎫│siege-log change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

upd Updated Voting plugin (For next reboot) & Updated all the configs to match the latest (Tedious) 🔸 Developer says hes fixed the issue with the monthly top totals not running 🔸Added a new option to backup all previous month tops to the database, not sure why he wasn't doing this before, but this also comes with an in-game command to see the previous month totals. This should act as a way to let us manually run commands if anything goes wrong again. 🔸Re-adds the placeholder I requested for the vote milestones NPC at /warp cove

survival Survival/Creative/Test

upd Updated Protocol hack plugin to allow newer clients to connect (For next reboot)

survival Survival/Creative

upd Updated Decorative head plugin /heads (For next reboot) change @Changelog Alerts

discord Discord

add Giveaway Given out winning prizes from the last Autumn 2024 Crate Key change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

add 🧊 Added Winter 2024-2025 Treasure Chest Please see the announcement for more info on how to get keys! /warp cove upd Changed all the things required to get keys, see annoucement upd Changed Missive from Autumn to Winter Crates rem Disabled old Autumn 2024 Crate and moved with all the old ones

discord Discord

add Added Giveaway for 15x Winter 2024-2025 Treasure chest keys change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

add Added [elevator] signs for @Helper to test out, these teleport you up/down like an elevator with some particles. 🔸They need to be directly above eachother, and be at head height, so have a 2 block gap for your body to be, like in the screenshot. 🔸Right click to go up, shift+right click to go down 🔸Anyone can use these! Its not linked to owner! But only helper can create atm parrot There is no purpose to this change, other than I saw it exists and wanted to see if they are fun 🦀 change @Changelog Alerts

🧪 Test server

/server test / Fixing a woopsie.. the test servers been staff only for years, so no need for punishments... I did forget that I need punishments even on a test server! add Added Punishment plugin added to test server, seeing that theres cross-server chat/msg etc. change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

add new @Contributor Winter Kit is now live! 🔸 Includes costmeitc heads & Winter 2024-2025 Crate key! /kit contributor 🔸 Reset all contributors cooldown on this kit, so youll be able to use it instantly! This was Sooooo much easier to update than the NPC I used before. change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

upd Updated Server list MOTD, removed the Autumn Event that was still showing. 🔸 Fixed the MOTD still showing only 1.20 clients can connect when its upto 1.21. change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

add Added new Top Monthly Votes List back at /warp cove! The heads & Sign system broke ages ago, I moved the hologram that was above the doors near to the Vote chest. 🔸Number 1 top voter gets their head shown in 3D! 🔸Right click the hologram to open /vote top 🔸Shows countdown until the top monthly vote is drawn! We never had this, so this will come in handy! 🔸Shows your monthly votes (I need to vote more...) 🔸Hologram updates every 2 mins. change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

upd Changed The head hunt at /warp cove to give out the Winter 2024-2025 keys when completed. 🔸 I ran the command to reset it for everyone that's done it already so you can do it again, but it kicked everyone off the server and no idea if it completed, so this will require feedback, if it didn't work someone tell me and I will manually delete the data for that hunt. change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

add Added new /smartarse Created a small script to automate giving SmartArse kit, posting to discord and posting an announcement. 🔸 @MrLimeWise Simply use with /smartarse <username> the player needs to be online. 🔸Everyone else, you will be shown /events if you try and use this, so that you get sent the smartarse information. 🔸Winners posted to #🎉│giveaway-events to log winners! upd Updated /events Removed the latest event from the front of it, and replaced it with smartarse Tuesday competition. change @Changelog Alerts

/50 Online

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